
Título Pictures
Noma Espacio 22
Apartamento FG 20 de 35m2 16
Casa Arroyo 16
Exposición Pedro Roldán escultor (1624-1699). Museo de Bellas Artes 30
AMORES cocktails. Mexican drinks tavern in Alameda de Hércules. 16
A patio for a Jupiter. Typological rehabilitation. 50
Social lounge rehabilitation. Club Náutico of Sevilla 47
Abrines 27
Casa Dos patios y medio 47
Una peluquería en Aljarafe 20
Casa Melada 26
Casa Sonsoles 41
Nuevos aseos de la Escuela de Arquitectura de Sevilla 9
Nuevas Oficinas Proube 20
Instalación de la pintura del techo de la casa del poeta Juan de Arguijo en la exposición «Arte Del Renacimiento en Sevilla». Museo de Bellas Artes. 24
Vivienda PM6 12
Palazzo Belli 20
Centro de Innovación CIU3A Andalucía, Algarve, Alentejo. Universidad de Sevilla 39
Salón en Santa María La Blanca 24
Vivienda SC48 14
IF005 Reforma integral de vivienda en edificio plurifamiliar 14
Rehabilitación de Casa Patio 20
Embaobab Showroom 42
Apartamento en Triana 32
Hotel ABBA Sevilla. Adaptación de edificio de oficinas para hotel de 4 estrellas. Plaza de la Encarnación, Sevilla 40
Edificio para residencia de alojamiento estable y aparcamientos. Livensa Living 60
Malpartida House 44
O'Donnel 21 37
Martirio Bar 20
Dual clinic 14
Panagiotopoulos House 39
Reforma de una vivienda en Sevilla 13
RICO Rinconete y Cortadillo 15
TRUCKSUR Offices_2020 22
Centro de Formación Ilerna Sevilla 14
Castilla 55 29
House 8x8 26
Vivienda para un Piloto 18
Extension of Posada del Lucero Hotel 66
Vivienda Santa Clara 22
House 10X10 37
Restaurante AL LADO 15
Rehabilitación de edificio de principios del siglo XX en el barrio de San Bernardo 25
"Da Luigi" 21
Nueva Taquilla del Real Alcázar de Sevilla en el Patio de Banderas 26
Zapatería Antonio Ortiz 13
Vivienda en Sevilla 10
Restaurante El Sardinero 21
Restaurante Meridional 46
Hotel Unuk Soho Sevilla 20
House in Castilla Street 14
Parque Magallanes 64
Casa Recacha 19
Niño Gordo 20
Viviendas en Pagés del Corro 27
Nueva sala de padres y reforma de "El Patio de los valientes" - Hospital U. Virgen del Rocío 18
Casa AG01. Arbol gordo. Sevilla. 13
House in San Juan 22
La barra de Cañabota 9
House in Los Remedios 16
La barra de Inchausti 9
Residencial en San Bernardo 30
MKR Shop 43
Edificio residencial en calle Gerona 20
Vivienda unifamiliar en Sevilla 13
Exposición de Soledad Sevilla en el CAAC 26
Rehabilitación de Casa Palacio 41
Reforma integral en Los Remedios 21
New Offices of COIAA 29
T. Culinary workshop 21
Proyecto _re-HABITAR el Barrio del Carmen 83
Casa Riscos (Nervión Neighborhood, Seville) 22
Casa Patio 37
Colección Bellver - Casa Fabiola 58
Centro Médico Colón 15 17
Rehabilitación de vivienda en el Patio de Banderas 30
Reform of business premise for housing use 31
Nickel - In Burguer we trust 26
House in León Neighborhood (Seville) 21
Murillo Exhibition at Hospital de la Caridad 18
Sandwicheria "Filo" 14
"Seis" Restaurant 35
"Castizo" Restaurant 35
Libreria Caótica 24
é Advanced SPAce / Hair&Beauty 23
Remodelling of SADUS' sport center in Ramón y Cajal Campus 6
Intervention in Seville's Cathedral 22
Remodelling at San Francisco de Paula International School 12
Cruo Restaurant 21
Restoration of a building for eleven tourist apartments and two commercial establishments 35
Equipo MpuntoR Office 15
5J ARFE 18
Leña al Lomo 15
"Ovejas Negras" experimental cooking 16
Victoria shop 17
Sorbole - Equipamiento para huertas urbanas 37
Moove! petrol station 8
RM bookstore 12
Papirusa Restaurant 14
La Antojería 15
Tradevo Centro 12
New exhibition room of the Fine Arts School 22
Perea Borobio House 32
La 8
Restoration of single family house 27
Housing and apartment 31
Golden Clinic 13
Torres y García Restaurant 43
Perro Chico Restaurant 14
Restoration of a House in the historical center of Sevilla 24
Tourist apartments and comercial building. Under construction 11
Ecos de un pasado industrial 20
Building in Álvarez Quintero Street - Housing 22
Building in Álvarez Quintero Street - Commercial Office 16
Tata Pila Restaurant 20
Crypt of "Patio de Banderas" 15
Three Housing Units in Céspedes Street 46
Don Jacobo Restaurant 12
Luz de Mar Restaurant 18
BG Apartment 39
Quirón Clinic 8
Perro Viejo Restaurant 33
Restoration of a Building in Córdoba Street 15
Patio in Orden de Malta, Seville 9
Architecture Studio Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra. Seville 35
52 Housing units for social integration in Alberchigo Street, Seville 34
La Caixa Offices in Seville 76
Boga Gallery Bar, Seville 9
La Mamarracha Restaurant, Seville 19
Contemporary Art Space in the former Madre de Dios Convent, Sevilla 22
Housing for the young and the eldery in Seville 44
TRBC Business Center 35
Social Services Centre "Norte", Seville 28
Secondary school "Chaves Nogles" in Seville 46
Wineshop "De la tierra", Seville 12
134 social housing unit in Poligono Aeropuerto, Seville 41
Bar La Giganta, Seville 10
32 Housing units by Flor de Azalea Street, Seville 39
147 social housing units in Poligono Aeropuerto, Seville 30
House on Lira Street 7, Seville 12
House on Lira Street 7, Seville 14
Housing towers in El Porvenir, Seville 25
House in Muñoz Olive Street, Seville 12
Ginos Nervión Restaurant, Seville 33
Bellavista Social Services Centre 50
A house by the Market in Feria Street, Sevilla 32
Pérez Pizarro House 50
Carlos Pedraza Arquitectos Asociados´ Office 32
Adaptation of the Saint Lucy´s church for a Documentation Centre for the Performing Arts of Andalusia. Seville 17
Extension of Conference Centre of Sevilla FIBES 56
Social housing on Divina Enfermera Street, no. 14. Seville 21
204 housing units in Airport Industrial Area, Seville 38
PaCatar Restaurant in Seville 16
Block of 102 social flats in Seville 37
Social Centre on La Paz Avenue. Seville 42
Rehabilitation of housing units in Pagés del Corro 43
Headquarters of the State Public Employment Office in Seville 30
Housing units in Seville 36
Single-family House in Seville 24
Metropol Parasol 58
Metropol Parasol. Antiquarium 32
Metropol Parasol. Food Market 25
Metropol Parasol. Aerial Views 11
Metropol Parasol. Construction Process 68
Metropol Parasol. Technical Details 26
Social housing in Torreblanca. Sevilla 15
Antiqvarium (Metropol Parasol). Seville 111
Cibercentro Macarena 35
Faculty of Education Sciences. University of Seville 32
Restotation for Day Care Centre in Sevilla 30
House in Sevilla 17
Dentoral Dental Clinic in Seville 44
Oficina de atención electrónica de la Consejería de Justicia 21
Exhibition Visiones de Don Juan. Exhibiton Hall Santa Ines 13
Camper Store 18
Student Residence 53
Medical Centre "Alamillo" in Seville 40
House in Seville 24
Housing Restoration in Seville Old Quarter 36
Reform Bullring Stands in La Real Maestranza de Caballería 32
Pescadería y San Isidoro Square 51
Alfalfa Square 27
T-II OR "Las Letanías" Health Centre 37
Rehab. of a Building for Commercial Use in Sierpes Str 72 20
Housing in Aguilas Str 3 + Cabeza del Rey Don Pedro Str. 13 19
Genis House 34
Cabildo Training Centre 47
Seville Waters Municipal Company Offices 54
Building Reform for 11 Apartments in 6, Infantes Street 32
"Sevilla II" Assessment and Orientation Center 32
Isbilya High School Gym 12
Andalucía Award of Architecture Exhibition 07 46
Real Maestranza Museum of Seville 62
Gastromium Restaurant 86
Housing Restoration in 30-32 Pedro Miguel Street Seville 32
Refurbishment of Commercial Premises in Granada 42
Office Building in the Cartuja 80
29 Homes in Azafrán Street, Seville 124
EME Fusion Hotel Sevilla 57
Lawyers Office in Antonia Díaz Street 60
Estate Agency Alterhome 46
Medical Centre in Las Palmeritas 98
Metro Sevilla Calendar 2009 13
Restoration of a One-Familiy House 93
Pyrotechnics II 46
Electric Substation 29
136 VPO in Alcosa 52
New Building for the German School 45
One-family House in San Blas Street 23
Restaurant República 28
Galia Building 60
Offices for Eddea Arquitectos 17
Medical Centre El Porvenir 65
One-family House 30
House of Jose Maria Cárdenas 65
Plaza del Pan 27
Ibn Jaldún: The Mediterrean in 14th Century 30
New Andalusian Sports Federation Headquarters 25
Temporary Pavilion for Centre of Contemporary Art, Andalucia 17
Hotel Posada del Lucero 72
Exhibition "Factories of the South" 62
Exhibition "School during the Second Republic" 11
Houses in Golf Course in Seville 36
Double Housing (I) 8
Double Housing (II) 14
House in Sevilla 14
One-Family Restored House in Seville 45
One-Family House in Seville 25
68 Council Flats and Commercial Warehouses 46
Edificio Consejería de Obras Públicas 23
Victor Bernal International Furniture 44
Temporary Exhibition Pavilion, Plaza Nueva 42
Gardens in front of the Andalusian Parliament 19
CEADE University in Sevilla 47
Jewellery Shop in Sevilla 37
Block of flats 47
Offices in Sevilla 17
Jewellery Shop in Cartagena 28
One-Family House in Seville 10
Andalusian Parliament Restoration 30
Odontology and Stomatology Association Building 0
New Building of the Chemistry Faculty 38
Council Housing on the S-30, Seville 24
Housing in San Jerónimo 49
Restoration of Building for Offices in Hytasa 48
EPSA Offices in Sevilla 0
"Old Airport" Estate Housing 0
Building Restoration in Seville 28
Housing in Pino Montano 0
Diocesan Seminary 0
Restoration of Monastery of Cartuja 0