Fernando Alda Fotografía

Category: Architecture

(Spanish) Hoy cumple años… Metropol Parasol!

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27 March, 2019 · Published in Architecture, architecture photographer, architecture photography, architectural photography, architectural photographer, news | Write a comment

(Spanish) Casa H de Assadi proyecto más visto de Archdaily en 2 categorías

10 December, 2018 · Published in Architecture, awards, architectural photography, news, publications | Write a comment

(Spanish) Lecturas recomendadas: entrevistas a Carme Pinós y a Felipe Uribe.

29 November, 2018 · Published in Architecture, news | Write a comment

(Spanish) Estas son las obras que le han valido el primer premio a Elisa Valero en la VI Swiss Architectural Award

2 August, 2018 · Published in Architecture, news | Write a comment

Curso de Fundamentos de Fotografía y Arquitectura, I Edición

Desde el pasado 1 de diciembre hasta el 20 de enero de 2017 queda abieto el plazo de pre-inscripción de la primera edición del curso de Fundamentos de Fotografía y Arquitectura.

Dirigido por Javier López Rivera y Jorge Yeregui Tejedor, el principal objetivo del curso es introducir nuevos horizontes y ámbitos laborales para arquitectos y fotógrafos, dotando al alumno de los conocimientos y técnicas necesarios para realizar todo el proceso: desde la planificación del proyecto fotográfico, la toma fotográfica, la presentación y entrega, pasando por el flujo de trabajo en la postproducción digital y la edición, e incluso la exposición final del trabajo, Además incide en la concepción del proyecto fotográfico como un proceso integral que no se limita al instante de la toma de la imagen y al retoque en postproducción sino que comprende además una fase previa de organización y preparación del proyecto.

Toda la información detallada sobre el curso, así como el proceso de pre-inscripción e inscripción, se puede encontrar en la web del Centro de Formación Permanente de la Universidad de Sevilla, o a través del siguiente acceso directo a dicho curso:


15 December, 2016 · Published in Architecture, Photography, architecture photography, architectural photography | Write a comment

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ISMO ArquitecturaMálaga Architectural Awards 2016

Con la voluntad de reconocer y difundir los valores especiales de las obras o trabajos del ámbito territorial del colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Málaga (realizados durante los años 2013, 2014 and 2015 y hasta la fecha de entrega de las propuestas) se convocan los Premios Málaga de Arquitectura 2016.

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14 June, 2016 · Published in Architecture, awards, architectural photography, news | Write a comment

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Sol89 y CUAC Arquitectura en la Bienal de Venecia 2016

Bajo el títuloUNFINISHED”, el Pabellón de España en la Bienal de Venecia 2016 recoge una serie de proyectos que afrontan la problemática de las edificaciones inconclusas de nuestro país.

Espacio de arte contemporáneo en el antiguo convento de Madre de Dios (Sevilla), Sol89

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3 June, 2016 · Published in Architecture, awards, exhibitions, news | 1 Commentary

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VI Architecture and Photography Sessions. Sevilla 2016

14 April, 2016 · Published in Architecture, Photography, architecture photography, architectural photography | Write a comment

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(Spanish) Nuevas cimas del lujo

24 February, 2016 · Published in Architecture, architecture photography, architectural photography, new reports, publications | Write a comment

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Piscina & Wellness Barcelona Awards 2015

Last October 16h, Piscina & Wellness Barcelona 2015 ended with the celebration of The Awards 2015, organized by the ITeC – “Instituto de Tecnología de la Construcción de Cataluña”. In this edition, awards to best projects have been to residential swimming pool, wellness center, public swimming pool, restoration of a swimming pool, innovative product and sustainable product.

With their project of Municipal indoor swimming pool in Constantina (Sevilla), Fernando Suarez Corchete, Lorenzo Muro Álvarez and Miguel Ángel Gómez Casero have won the first prize on the public swimming pool category. According to verdict of the jurythey resolve with solvency a project very influenced by the low budget, and they pose an austere building that positively improves the environment. The architectural design emphasizes solar protection and privacy, supplemented by the proper use of materials”.

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1 February, 2016 · Published in Architecture, awards, architectural photography, news | Write a comment

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2015 AteneoUniversity of Málaga Architecture Prize

The Ateneo of Málaga (University of Málaga) has passed judgement on the 2015 Prizes, that acknowledge the authors of Malaga’s most noted works in six cathegories: journalism, poetry, engraving, photography, scientific dissemination and architecture.

Last October 22th, The Ateneo of Malaga and the University of Malaga, through its Vice-rector office of extramural university studios, published the winners of its 2015 Prizes, that award the authors of Malaga’s most noted works in six art disciplines. Journalism, poetry, engraving, photography, scientific dissemination and, for the first time, architecture have been the cathegories of this edition.

Prize of best architecture work between 2005 and 2015 has been awarded to Botánical Garden in Nerja (Málaga) of ISMO Arquitectura, and architecture studio founded by Isabel Amores Sánchez y Modesto García Méndez in 2001. As they say: “Located in the Nature Park Sierra de Tejeda, Almijara y Alhama, near Cave of Nerja, and opened to the bright sea, the architectural intervention joins mountainside to traffic of walkers, where infrastructures dissperses like urban furniture. The footsteps go on earthen roads, that sometimes are join to the land or sometimes are high to save a river bed or to be simply accesible. (…) Buildings emerge over landscape, getting wrinkled themselves to half-close the view, in the shape of covered viewpoints”.

Visit the video of Botanical Garden in Nerja of Isabel Amores and Modesto García

Beside this first prize, the judges have awarded two second prizes to Restoration of Palace of Customs to Museum of Malaga by the architect Ángel Fernando Pérez Mora, Fernando Pardo Calvo and Bernardo García Tapia and the Faculty of Health Science by Juan Gavilanes Vélaz de Medrano.

In journalism, the “Jerez Perchetprize has been awarded to the Alfonso Vázquez García’s article Pocas diferencias entre la lluvia y la fiebre amarilla, published in Diario La Opinión de Málaga. The “Impresor José Andrade Martínprize of poetry has been awarded to Sueña la Vida of the author Josefina Solano Maldonado. Jonathan Sánchez Ávila has been the winner of thePablo Ruiz Picassoprize in engraving with his work Excedentes.Arenas”, the name of the photographic prize, has been awarded to Cristina Lorenzo García’s work called Sombras.  The prize to scientific dissemination has been declared null and void because no work met the requirements.

The awards ceremony will be next Decembre 11th at 18.00h in the assembly hall of Rector office of University of Malaga.

Source: University of Málaga. Vice-rector office of extramural university studiosCulture Services.

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1 December, 2015 · Published in Architecture, awards, news | Write a comment

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Architecture office Sol89 in La Vanguardia

La Vanguardia publishes an article on two projects by María González and Juanjo López de la Cruz.

14 April, 2014 · Published in Architecture, architectural photography, publications | Write a comment

Public Library in Ceuta: international architecture award

ABC 04-11-2013 / 18:16 h EFE

Public Library in Ceuta, designed by a prestigious architecture office Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos, was awarded an international prize Obras CEMEX in Industrial/Institutional category.

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7 November, 2013 · Published in Architecture, awards, news | 3 Comments

Luis Moreno Mansilla Prize 2013 for Childminders´Centre in Selb

7 October, 2013 · Published in Architecture, awards, news | Write a comment

Exhibition FOTOSEPTIEMBRE in MAC Panama

On Wednesday 4th September the Contemorary Art Museum in Panama will open the exhibition FOTOSEPTIEMBRE by Fernando Alda. The photographs belong to the projectThe poetry of a skeletonand will be exhibited within the permanent collection at MAC. For more information, the Museum will publish a press relase next week. You are cordially invited to attend the opening and to visit the exhibition at a later stage.

22 August, 2013 · Published in Architecture, Photography, architecture photographer, architecture photography, exhibitions, architectural photography, architectural photographer, architectural photographer, news | Write a comment

Bauwelt Award 2013 for Childminders Centre in Selb, Germany

Everything begins with the International Competition Europan -9, in the city of Selb, 2008. Architects under 40 years of age from all over the Europe present their proposals for improving the urban structure of sites selected for this edition of the competition. A project presented by two Spanish architecture studios Gutiérrez-delafuente Arquitectos and TallerDE2 Arquitectos is awarded a prize which turns into a collaboration with the city of Selb. Four years pass and the first of the four projects comissioned by the city hall is finished successfully.

Now the Childminders Centre in being Selb is awarded with the Biennial International Prize ‘First Works-2013’ by the German magazine Bauwelt.

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27 December, 2012 · Published in Architecture, architecture photography, awards, architectural photography, new reports, news | 1 Commentary

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Donaire Arquitectos win architectural design competition

Following an exciting jury event drawing on the expertise of a panel of international design & research experts a well as key AM Qattan Foundation personnel held at Palestine’s Birzeit University on Thu 18 Oct, Donaire Arquitectos of Seville, Spain, has been selected to design the Foundation’s new Cultural Centre and Palestine Office.

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23 October, 2012 · Published in Architecture, awards, news | 1 Commentary

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FAD awards 2012

The jury committee of  FAD 2012 architecture awards, consisting of Guillermo Vázquez Consuerga, Marta Cervelló, Ignasi Forteza, Victoria Garriga, Inés Lobo, José Mª Sánchez García, Pere Serra and Cesc Solà, has announced the results of the last edition of the competition. Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra, the president of the jury, winner of numerous national and international awards for his work, acclaimed a very high quality of the architecture realized on the Iberian Peninsula, which places both Spain and Portugal ahead of the European architecture. Among the multiple criteria for the projects´ selection one can highlight the will to distinguish architecture that is able to address the current necessities of the modern society and that avoids the formal and architectural excess. Architecture committed to civil values, that enhances public and common spaces; architecture that is able to tell the history of its times and at the same time lodge the future.

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15 May, 2012 · Published in Architecture, awards, publications | Write a comment

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Social housing in Ceuta. IND [Inter National Design]

Viviendas protegidas en Ceuta. IND

Por IND [Inter National Design]

El concurso internacional Vivienda de Vanguardia (VIVA) organizado por el Ministerio de Vivienda de España convocaba no solamente a contribuir con soluciones de vivienda avanzadas, sino que hacia un alto énfasis en la relación de la nueva arquitectura con el entorno urbano bajo el lema ‘Hacemos Ciudad’. La vivienda protegida tenia como destinatarios a los ciudadanos menos favorecidos y como es de esperarse en vivienda publica tenia un ajustado presupuesto.

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9 May, 2012 · Published in Architecture, architecture photography, architectural photography, architectural photographer, architectural photographer, new reports | Write a comment

ExpositionThe poetry of a skeletonin Fotomata. Fernando Alda

This Thursday, the 1st of March 2012, a Sevillian art gallery El Fotomata will launch an exhibition by Fernando Alda The poetry of a skeleton, under the patronage by Gabriel Campuzano. We are honoured to invite you to the opening of the exhibition and to visit it at later stage, as it will be open until the 27th of April 2012.

Below you can find the presentation letter.

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27 February, 2012 · Published in Architecture, Photography, architecture photographer, architecture photography, exhibitions, architectural photography, architectural photographer, architectural photographer, news | 1 Commentary

Ferando Alda

Professional photographer since 1981, specializes in photography of architecture and infrastructure from 1987. My stories recorded works of great interest and uniqueness, documenting its construction and final state. My studio is developing a high quality work in editing analog and digital images. This material, exceeding seven thousand reports, is consulted regularly by publishers around the world, being published monthly in books and magazines and foreign.


C / Brazil 22, Under.
41013 Sevilla. Spain
Tel.: +34 954 61 47 23

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