Fernando Alda Fotografía

Social housing units in Jerez de la Frontera

Among our recently uploaded projects we would like to highlight 209 social housing units, with their shops, garages, and auxiliary facilities, designed by architects Ramon PicoManuel Narvaez and Fernando Visedo, and sucessfully completed in August 2011.

It is located on the outskirts of Jerez, where the urban and the rural intersect in inverse trayectories and diferenttempos”; where a project can only revel emotions throughout subtle desicions that must get thought all the urban, legal and budget restrictions. The result is a great example of this coexistenceit is configured volumewise as a great base for housing volumes in diferent positions, perforated in particular places in order to establish a dialogue between what is happening in the private interior of the housing estate and the rest of the city. Entire ground floor is destined to comercial floorspace, open to streets defining the area, so that the entrances to the appartments lead through internal half-public spaces accesible through gateways.

14 November, 2011 · Published in Architecture, Photography, architecture photographer, architecture photography, architectural photography, architectural photographer, architectural photographer, new reports

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Ferando Alda

Professional photographer since 1981, specializes in photography of architecture and infrastructure from 1987. My stories recorded works of great interest and uniqueness, documenting its construction and final state. My studio is developing a high quality work in editing analog and digital images. This material, exceeding seven thousand reports, is consulted regularly by publishers around the world, being published monthly in books and magazines and foreign.


C / Brazil 22, Under.
41013 Sevilla. Spain
Tel.: +34 954 61 47 23

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